Structure Deck:Dragons Collide (VERSIÓN ORIGINAL DEL TCG)

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En esta baraja conseguiremaos el poder de todos los dragones mas poderosos hasta el momento como el Dragón Blanco de Ojos Azules y muchos mas famosos aqui todo la información en ingles(pronto la pasare al español)
■English Set Name: Structure Deck: Dragons Collide

■TCG Set Prefix: SDDC

■TCG Release Date: February 7, 2012

■Cover Cards: Lightpulsar Dragon, Darkflare Dragon

■Includes LIGHT, DARK and Dragon-Type monsters.
■Includes Lightsworn monster reprints
■Includes new Dragon-type monsters, as well as support cards.

■Includes 40 cards:
■2 Ultra Rares
■1 Super Rare
■37 Commons
■1 Rulebook
■1 Game Mat
■1 Dueling Guide
Aqui os dejo la lista en inglés ENGLISH LIST

■SDDC-EN001 Lightpulsar Dragon (Ultra Rare)
■SDDC-EN002 Darkflare Dragon (Ultra Rare)
■SDDC-EN003 Eclipse Wyvern (Super Rare)
■SDDC-EN004 Blue-Eyes White Dragon 
■SDDC-EN005 Red-Eyes B. Dragon
■SDDC-En006 The White Stone of Legend
■SDDC-EN007 Red-Eyes B. Chick 
■SDDC-EN008 Axe Dragonute
■SDDC-EN009 Vice Dragon
■SDDC-EN010 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
■SDDC-EN011 Prime Material Dragon 
■SDDC-EN012 Dark Armed Dragon
■SDDC-EN013 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
■SDDC-EN014 Chaos Sorcerer                              X2
■SDDC-EN015 Cyber Dragon 
■SDDC-EN016 Lord of D.
■SDDC-EN017 Summoner Monk
■SDDC-EN018 Snipe Hunter
■SDDC-EN019 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
■SDDC-EN020 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
■SDDC-EN021 Kaibaman
■SDDC-EN022 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 
■SDDC-EN023 Chaos Zone
■SDDC-EN024 Burst Stream of Destruction
■SDDC-EN025 Inferno Fire Blast
■SDDC-EN026 The Flute of Summoning Dragon
■SDDC-EN027 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
■SDDC-EN028 Book of Moon
■SDDC-EN029 Magical Stone Excavation
■SDDC-EN030 Reasoning
■SDDC-EN031 Monster Gate
■SDDC-EN032 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
■SDDC-EN033 Light of Redemption 
■SDDC-EN034 Charge of the Light Brigade
■SDDC-EN035 Dragon Reincarnation
■SDDC-EN036 Burst Breath 
■SDDC-EN037 Call of the Haunted
■SDDC-EN038 Interdimensional Matter Transporter
■SDDC-EN039 Escape from the Dark Dimension

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